The Biden Cabinet

Published on 1 December 2020 at 17:22

The 46th president elect of the United States of America Joe Biden has selected some of his cabinet so far and let’s give a run down on who they are.

Kamala Harris (Vice president) 

This woman is already facing online abuse because a part-time court deputy with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office was terminated after she was found to have posted a photo on social media with white American politicians carved as a Pumpkin and Harris as a watermelon. 

With her experience it seems to not bother her as Kamala Devi Harris after all is an American politician which we assume will help you grow thick skin.  


Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State)

Antony John Blinken is an American government official and diplomat who served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of State from 2015 to 2017 and Deputy National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2015. 

Tony Blinken’s ties to Europe are lifelong, deep and personal — and he is a fierce believer in the transatlantic alliance. “Put simply, the world is safer for the American people when we have friends, partners and allies,” which is what Anthony Blinken said in 2016. . He has described Europe as “a vital partner” and has dismissed the Donald Trump administration’s plans to remove U.S. troops from Germany. 


Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of Homeland Security)

One of the first people Joe Biden decided to nominate for a role was Alejandro Mayorkas. If confirmed by the U.S senate, Mayorkas will be the first immigrant and the first Hispanic to lead the department of homeland security.  President-elect Joe Biden’s nomination to lead the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) already faces disqualification amid a US green card scandal. 

Trump unleashed the kraken of impunity on what was already an agency difficult to rule and rife with dysfunction, as Alejandro has a big job on his hands. 


Ron Klain (Chief of Staff) 

Ronald A. Klain is an American political consultant, former lobbyist, politician, and attorney. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as chief of staff to two U.S. vice presidents: Al Gore and Joe Biden. After there were reported Ebola virus cases in the United States, he was appointed by Obama to serve as the White House Ebola Response Coordinator in late 2014. In early 2020, he joined Joe Biden's presidential campaign as a senior advisor. Following apparent victory, president-elect Joe Biden announced Ron Klain would serve as White House Chief of Staff on November 12. 


Aviril Haines (National Intelligence Director) 

Avril Haines is a Deputy Director of Columbia World Projects, a Lecturer in Law at Columbia Law School, and a Senior Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. She was appointed by President Obama to serve as a Member of the National Commission on Military. 

Jake Sullivan (National Security Adviser) 

In one of his first tweets after being named, Sullivan warned about "the risk of violence against civilians, including potential war crimes. "President-elect Joe Biden's pick for national security adviser warned Wednesday about the risk of war crimes in Ethiopia, where government forces are surrounding a city governed by rebellious regional leaders in what's threatening to spiral into civil war. Though brief, Sullivan's tweet provided a taste of a new foreign policy tone adopted by the incoming Biden administration. He urged "both sides" to engage with a plan by the African Union.


Janet Yellen (Secretary of Treasury) 

US President-elect Joe Biden has named ex-Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen as his nominee for treasury secretary. If confirmed by the Senate, Yellen would be the first woman ever to hold the post. She was one of several women chosen for top economic positions. The Joe Biden transition team said others were set to break racial barriers if confirmed. Mr Biden has promised to build a relatively diverse administration. He also appointed an all-female senior press team. Mr Biden's transition team spokesperson said his picks for senior economic roles would help "lift America out of the current economic downturn and build back better". Mr Biden has also announced the formation of a Presidential Inaugural Committee ahead of his swearing-in on 20 January 2021. This committee will be responsible for organizing inauguration-related activities. Ms Yellen had been widely tipped for the nomination in media reports prior to Monday's announcement. The 74-year-old economist has served as head of America's central bank and as a top economic adviser to former President Bill Clinton.


Neera Tanden (Director of the Office of Management and Budget) 

Tanden joins Yellen in the economic team for Biden. Taden is going to face an uphill battle after the economic damage caused by Covid 19. Tanden will learn a lot being led by Janet Yellen.  Neera Tanden is a familiar name to many people in Washington as a left leaning leader in the American centre for progress. Tanden will be hired as a budget director essentially. She will be joined by Cecilia Rouse who will be nominated as the first woman of colour as the chairperson in the council of economic advisers. They are both in academic positions which educate the west wing and the president on the economy. Deputy treasury of sectary Adewale “Wally” Adebayo will also have economic input as the first person of colour in that position, who is currently serving as president of the Obama foundation. Neera Tanden will hope to shine a good light for the United of America on a national and international front.  On a national front Tanden will hope to add fuel to the economy. 


John Kerry (U.S Special Presidential Envoy for Climate) 

John Forbes Kerry is an American politician and diplomat who served as the 68th United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. An attorney and former naval officer, Kerry first gained public attention as a decorated Vietnam veteran turned anti-war activist. He went on to serve as a prosecutor and as Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, before serving as United States Senator from Massachusetts. 


Linda Thomas Greenfield (United States Ambassador to the United Nations) 

Linda Thomas-Greenfield is an American diplomat who served as the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in the United States Department of State's Bureau of African Affairs from 2013 to 2017. Following work as a diplomat, Thomas-Greenfield became a senior vice president at Albright Stonebridge Group. 

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